Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 27 Recap....

I wanna say that I am doing so well, but I can't..shame on me! My dear AF came to visit me today and I have been craving anything my eyes even focus on. I am not going crazy eating but I am not doing my best. I did jump on the scale to see if I was gaining anything and I was the same, so that is good.

I want to be that awesome inspiration to all of you but as you know I am only human, I am still of course excited about changing my life but as we all know we have temporarily set backs. Temporarily being the key word there, means just an exit but right back on that hwy A.S.A.P!!

Love to you all girls! :)

One of the most sublime experiences we can ever have is to wake up feeling healthy after we have been sick. ~Harold Kushner


  1. You're doing fine I am sure. Be gentle with yourself. You're on the right track.

  2. Well I know what ya mean, I havent went over my allowance but its not been the best of food choices. So I did better today though. I havent walked for a couple of day either. I finally have a day off tomorrow so will then. Been kinda tired cuz of the early morning shifts and we have not been sleeping real well. So did you walk with your friend yesterday? Im seriously thinking about joining curves. Have to look into it more. See ya

  3. hang in there! I haven't walked all week since I have a sinus infection and I feel horrible about that. :( I remember last month when I got AF it was all I could do not to eat a horse! :) I'm proud of you!


  4. Thanks so much ladies!! Just knowing you take the time to read about "my fat"..LOL makrs me feel more inspired!
