Saturday, February 28, 2009
Day 2 of Anti-bloat Jump start

So lunch was pretty yummy, The carrots were really good, I just boiled them with some olive oil and water and mmm, they were tasty! They say to eat cooked veggies rather then raw, it's easier on your GI tract. Just in case you want a little more info: ( )
Now onto Dinner....
4 oz of Turkey ( I got a already seasoned Jenny-O turkey breast )
1 cup sateed mushrooms & onions
1/2 cup steamed brown rice
Tonight's dinner was actually very yummy, I enjoyed every bite. It was hard to get a delicious pictures since everything was basically the same color, but trust me it was all good.
Now for Snack...
(Another Smoothie)
1 cup of lowfat Milk
1 cup frozen peaches

If this looks good to you, well don't let it fool ya, it was a bug ole thumbs down! It was like eating frozen milk with a hint and a very small hint of peach flavor. I am not a fan of frozen fruit, for whatever reason when you freeze fruit the flavor pretty much disappears with it. I will certainly be switching over to fresh fruit for my smoothies after my 4 day cleanse.
ok so day 2 down..WOOT WOOT! Only 2 days to go, I have to admit I feel wonderful and I am not starving in between meals either. I still have the urge to snack but at least I am satisfied with the food I get.
Day 1 of 4 Anti-bloat Jumpstart

Over all it was ok, I like cereal so that was yummy, and I like applesauce so it was all good. Definitely out of my norm cause i don't eat sunflower seeds all to often.
Now onto Lunch........
1 pint of cherry tomatoes
1 lowfat string cheese
4 oz of deli turkey

Now this meal was tricky for me, It actually wanted me to eat and entire pint of cherry tomatoes!! R they nuts?!? I got about a 1/4 of the way through them and i thought yuck! Then I wrapped them in my turkey with a bite of cheese and that got me about halfway through them. That is all I could physically do, my stomach actually wasn't liking it. Thanks goodness it's the only time I have to do that.
6oz of chicken
1 cup of steamed green beans
1/2 cup roasted red potatoes
Over all this meal was very good. I can handle this. It was very filling.
Last but not least....Snack
1/4 cup sunflower seeds ( mufa )
( which I saved until after dinner when my snack mode kicked in )
This was a blueberry smoothie, it was really good and very filling, I had a hard time drinking it all. If I had one complaint it would be that it needed a tad more sugar, but that is a big no no of course! sum up this day..I thought it went over very well. I loved having it wrote down for me so it took a lot of guess work out of it, now if only I had someone to prepare it for
I will explain a little on "mufa's" tomorrow. It's real simple and it's actually something to look forward to in a way. So stay tuned!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Staying Strong!

Monday, February 23, 2009
Tomorrow is a new day and I am going to hop on board again. Wish me luck! :)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Day 36-37 Recap...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Day 33-35 Recap....
I have not done wonderful this week......I don't know what my problem is, well actually I sorta do... you see I made it farther than I have before but I am bored with dieting but it has to be done. I think When Tiffany and I start walking again it will give me that boost I need. Having a workout buddy helps so much!! So hopefully we can pick up next week again. Right Tiff??
So don't give up on me..please! Weigh in day is tomorrow, I will update on that soon. yikes!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Day 31 & 32 Recap..
As for my diet days this past weekend, well it wasn't horrible but it wasn't great, Today ( Monday ) is all about getting back on track. If you look at my pattern here, you will see that weekends are my BIG cheat days, although I try not to make them so BIG but reasonable.
As for walking that has been put on hold with my gal pal Tiffany. She has the flu going through her household right now and last week, well.. if you read my past post you would have seen we have been busy busy. I am going to try and do some walking in our subdivision this week to catch up and between that and my elliptical it's all gooood!
So I am here, if i suddenly disappear you will know my computer went all wacky and I will be back!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Weigh in Day...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Day 28, 29 & 30 Recap.....
So I have to recap 3 days here, I have been so busy can I even think back 3 days? I will try. So I have been running around getting ready for our HCPKP Valentine Party I hosted, It really is so much fun, but the food part.... well I tried to serve half and half but i mean come on, it's a Valentine's Part-ey! You have so have some sweets ya know. I guess the thing to keep in mind is the consumption of sweets you eat, so yeah, there is a whole plate of chocolate rice crispy treats or a plate full of chocolate but it doesn't mean you have to eat the whole plate!
The mind is a powerful thing of course, so how come when our stomachs are telling us to STOP! Our brain just ignores it? Does our brains have selective signals? selective hearing? :) Or maybe we choose to ignore that signal. Whatever it is It's something we need to teach ourselves for sure. It's a hard thing to learn but it is all part of the "changing your life" or aka.."diet" world.
Make your own recovery the first priority in your life. ~Robin Norwood
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Day 27 Recap....
I want to be that awesome inspiration to all of you but as you know I am only human, I am still of course excited about changing my life but as we all know we have temporarily set backs. Temporarily being the key word there, means just an exit but right back on that hwy A.S.A.P!!
Love to you all girls! :)
One of the most sublime experiences we can ever have is to wake up feeling healthy after we have been sick. ~Harold Kushner
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Day 26 Recap...
I am feeling a little ick this morning, hoping its not the flu again. But I am gonna try to ignore it and see what happens.
On a lighter note i am trying to master this elliptical, it still kicking my buns! I have decided to do 2 mins worth a half our after I eat anything so, breakfast..2min....snack..2min...lunch..2min..snack..2min..dinner..2min...snack..2min. Then when I master 2 min i will got to 3min each time. Hey it's a start right?
Plus I will walk Tuesday with my girl Tiffany......( we better walk 4 miles Tiff, we have to overcome valentine )
The more severe the pain or illness, the more severe will be the necessary changes. These may involve breaking bad habits, or acquiring some new and better ones. ~Peter McWilliams
Friday, February 6, 2009
Tidbit for today....
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Day 24 & 25 Recap......
Day 25........Thursday
What not to eat on a diet............................

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Day 23 Recap....

Monday, February 2, 2009
Day 22 Recap...
So that is my recap for the day..nothing whoohoo about it. well maybe another pound loss. :)
Day 19, 20 & 21 Recap.....
So your probably wondering how my weigh in went last Friday, well unfortunately I was up .6..ah not too bad but I did eat out here and there quite a bit, the walking saved me for sure!
So this is where I have to get over the hump, I always fail around this point in every diet and this time it's not going to beat me, I am going to get over this hump!!
Now, I didnt expect to get over that hump by getting the flu, but honestly I will take I have lost just over 3 pounds just from all my flu activities. So technically I have lost -8.4 pounds in the past 3 weeks, but I am not going to count the 3 pound loss yet, weigh in day is Friday so I will officially calculate on saturday what I am down to.
Thanks to you all that sent get well wishes! Love you all!
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. ~ Mark Twain